Saturday, April 28, 2007

One leg down, two to go

Yay! Cash got his first rally leg today in novice. In AKC, to earn a Rally Novice title, a dog must acquire three "legs" under three different judges (maybe two judges, I'll have to check that.) To earn a leg the dog must get a qualifying score or "Q" with a score of 70 or above (100 is perfect). He didn't get a placement in the class, fourth place had a score of 95, but a leg is a leg.

In the Boxer ring, Echo won her class (and beat out the professional handler who used to handle her), but lost WB to her litter sister. Loretta was happy with how she showed so we go back again tomorrow.

4:30 this morning came awfully early (as it will tomorrow) and I'm going to hit the rack early tonight.

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