Friday, August 31, 2007

A Good Class!

Notes from instructor:

Week Three: Skills worked: dogwalk/stairs, 4 jump distance grid, sequence with broad jump, winged jumps, focus forward, bang game/teeter, weaves, aframe

Cash: Teeter: Working 4 on board with bang game (he was just sure it was 2 on/off). Did run full teeter several times, had to lure with salmon, but got better each time. Julie is holding board and letting drop carefully. Would only run Cash on full contacts at this point, to build his confidence. Sequence work: Great understanding of FF, broad jump good. Stays good, little bit of yahoo, but came back easily, some sniffing. Dogwalk: Would not run up ramp, so physically placed on each time, backchaining running the full ramp. At end of time, he turned himself onto the ramp and ran full. YEAH!!

I was really proud of the little guy this week. In addition to the skills worked directly with instructors we were able to also work independently on weaves and A frame. His A frame was a little tentative at first but he was soon running it to a 2 on/off that was solid even if I walked away. So solid in fact that he did a handstand to stop and still landed his hind feet on the contact.

If we keep this up we may get into Handler's class yet. Yay!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Back from Vegas!

I had absolutely no time to write about our last Wednesday's agility class before getting home from class, finishing packing for our 30th wedding anniversary trip to Las Vegas and hitting the hay to get up at 3:00 am on Thursday to make our plane. We had a great time, spent mornings at the Lazy River or Wave Pool at Mandalay Bay resort (with a cocktail as an eye-opener.) Went to a crazy restaurant at Excalibur called Dick's Last Resort, saw Mama Mia with a Broadway cast, and reintroduced the hubby to public transportation when we took the double-decker bus downtown to souvenir shop and have lunch. All in all a very relaxing trip.

Our instructor emailed our second week critique:

8/22/07: Skills worked: aframe/stairs, teeter, weaves, sequences with sit stays, focus forward, panel, tire

Cash: Aframe: much better at not running around aframe (there was more room, and it was lower), do not ever correct him for taking it on his own at this point, and when working just on bottom position, always have him get on the side, not run up and turn around. Very nice at holding position, Julie now needs to proof by running past and hanging back. Both of these can be worked just from the bottom position as well.

Sequence work: Set up good, some focus forward, panel fine, 5 ft lateral distance to tunnel, does curve in to Julie, need placement of reward (always away from Julie) to help with this. Struggled with tire (going through side) with lateral distance, need to practice this away from class.

Teeter/weaves: Julie/Cash –
Teeter – Seemed to have no fear of problems with the teeter w/the tables – would take one of the tables out and see how he does then.
Weaves – Very nice using the jump and difficult angles, found the entrances no problem and had very good speed – Julie even did a rear cross once --- had Julie go to the middle of the weave to call Cash through and he missed the entrance – will need to work on that next week --- Was very pleased overall with Cash’s performance on the teter and the weaves.

I didn't see our recap until we got home Monday night, and was relatively pleased. We have had rain here so Cash hasn't had the outside work he had between the first and second class. I'm afraid that lack of practice will show tonight. We'll see......

Friday, August 17, 2007

Where to start?????

So much has happened since my last post.....I pulled out of our driveway for Minnesota on Monday, July 23rd at 6 am. Got to Bill & Sue’s about 4 pm or so. Thank God for Rescue Remedy. I gave Keegan two drops on his tongue about 45 minutes before leaving and he settled himself into his crate propped against the side of it with one eye on me. Said eye started to droop about an hour later and he sagged into a prone position. A few minutes later all I heard was some light snoring. Blissful silence all the way to MN! Yay!

During our 10 days there, the dogs got in some roadwork, rally practice and a little jility, but no dock diving since the lake was too rough. I did catch enough walleye that I needed to borrow Bill’s license to transport them back to Nebraska.

While I was in Minnesota our daughter made some major decisions in her life that impacted ours. She and the bf of four years broke up, she gave up her apartment and asked to move home for a year or so. Of course the answer was "Yes", however she also has a CAT! It has worked out well since Isis moved in while the dogs and I were gone and was able to become accustomed to the house without having to contend with the normal four footed residents. One little rub was that I was bringing Bill & Sue's 12 year old Shih Tzu, Dolly, home with me while they were on an Alaskan cruise and neither Dolly nor my dogs had ever been around a cat, much less lived with one. I am happy to say that all of them get along famously. Dolly and Keegan walked in, looked at Isis, and walked right by her as if she weren't there. Cash, on the other hand, wanted to play. RIGHT NOW!!!

Cash and I started our next session of agility on Wednesday, August 15. We're still in Obstacles, but since we have some *issues* to work on, that's okay. Here is our instructors' recap of our first week:

8/15/07: Skills worked: aframe/stairs, weaves, set point jump, 4 jump bounce grid, chute, tire, small sequenceCash: Weaves: great, independent of Julie. Focus on entries this week in training. Aframe: refused to run full low aframe, end performance was solid (2 on/off, nose touch minimal, stayed in position well) Suggested getting to club to build his confidence on running full aframe. Chute, cannot do independently, did ok with me holding all length open at the end. Tire was good, Set ups were good. Sequence was fine with me holding the chute open, but dropped after dog committed and dog stayed in it. Rewards good.

I think his A frame reluctance was due to not seeing one in awhile and the way it was set up he didn't have enough room to build speed to climb it. I love the fact that these instructors send an email recap the day after class so we can refer to it while trying to remember what to work on for next week. I've got a brand new chute in the garage, so I'd best get it unpacked, put together and in use, pronto.