Saturday, October 6, 2007

Microchipping is done....

Katie and I just got back from Lincoln, NE where we took Betty and Katie's cat, Isis, to be microchipped at the Missouri Valley Boxer Club's microchip clinic which was held at an all breed show. Yes, they chipped a cat! Isis was stoic and didn't make a sound even though the chip clinic was set up in the midst of the grooming area. Smart cat, knows when to keep her mouth shut.

Betty, on the other hand, screamed, cried and carried on as if she was being killed. That did my heart no good as I sat nearby very close to tears. So much so that a friend patted ME on the back, telling me it would be okay. The vet techs that chipped her tried to make friends afterward and she gave them a cold stare and turned her head. She wanted nothing to do with those rotten people!

Everyone is now in nap mode.