Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Last agility class for this session

Tonight was our last class of the session and time to either test out or plan on repeating this Obstacles class in the next session. Yeah, except for my friend, Darla, and her awesome little Pom, we'll all be seeing each other again next session.... :-(

That's okay, I would much rather have solid contacts and weaves than do a half-assed job and have to fix foundation problems down the road. We have 6 weeks until the next session starts in early June so hopefully with some dedicated work every night for just a few minutes we'll have the weaves working and that damned "touch" solid.

On the bright side, Cash is working distance and obstacle discrimination beautifully. And when you're my age (over 50) and about 20 pounds overweight, you NEED all the distance you can get.

Tomorrow night I am attending a conformation handling class with my friend, Loretta and her Boxer bitch. Loretta gets terrible ring nerves and wants me to show her bitch for her at the Seward, NE show the end of April. Cash is entered in rally novice and as luck would have it the class times didn't conflict so I will re-enter the conformation ring about 30 years after I left it. THIS should be interesting. I have found myself really looking forward to the show and getting back in the ring. Entertainment value could be high!

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