Sunday, April 15, 2007

Another beautiful Sunday

It was another gorgeous Sunday today and I set up a tire jump, tunnel, and a bar jump in the back yard. Our backyard is about 80 feet wide and I set the tire and bar jumps side by side at about 30 feet with about 15 feet between them and then the tunnel another 25-30 feet away formed into a curve. My goal was to see if I could work distance with Cash. The neighbors Golden, Goldendoodle and Shih Tzu were in their backyard so we had some distractions as well. The neighbors have an invisible fence and both of the large dogs wear the collars. The Shih Tzu does not. We do have split rail fence between the yards and along the back lot lines.

It took longer to set up and tear down when we were done, but I'm a big fan of ending on a high note after very short practices. Cash was AWESOME (aren't they all in their own yard?). He held his start line stay consistently (YAY!), had obstacle discrimination and was consistently taking whichever jump I directed to the tire and back to whichever jump and back to me. I ended with him being about 5 feet behind me and gave him his release word as soon as he focused on the jump. I stopped at the jump and said, "Go tunnel," and he was off in a flash, through the tunnel about 30 feet away and charged back over the jump. What a good boy!

Now if we can just get that touch thing to be as consistent......

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