Thursday, June 28, 2007

Back from Minnesota

We got back early in the evening last Saturday from our trip to Minnesota. It's a long drive (9 hours each way) but well worth the effort. I just sort of decompress once I get off the interstate and head across country to Leech Lake.

As evidenced by the photo at right, Katie had some success walleye fishing, although this particular candidate for the frying pan was TOO BIG to keep. Slot limits were put in place at Leech this year and walleye between 18 to 26" must be released as they are breeding size and are needed to restock the lake. This guy measured 20" and gave her quite a fight (along with catching me in the finger with a tooth as I got it out of the landing net). He was successfully released, unlike the approximately 28" Northern Pike I landed that is now filleted and in our freezer. We ended up bringing back enough walleye, perch and my northern for a nice fish fry later in the summer.

On the agility front, last night Cash and I attended class for the first time in two weeks as we missed class while in Minnesota. HE WAS AWESOME at nailing his contacts. He charged up the A frame and across the dogwalk at a zippy pace. As he started the downward ramp, I hollered "Touch" and he performed a perfect 2 on/2 off each time. A couple of times he was going too fast on the down ramp to really maintain control and landed his front feet a little far off the contact zone, but was able to reach back with his hind feet and find the ramp without ever breaking eye contact with me or missing the contact zone with his hind feet. It was a hoot and our instructors commented, "He REALLY knows where his feet are!" I was so proud of the little sucker.

His weaves were a little inconsistent, but there is nothing that some weave work each night after I get home won't fix. We may have a shot at actually moving on to the next level if this keeps up. YAY!!!

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