Saturday, July 14, 2007

Let's see..... where were we?

A week off for a Minnesota trip and having many visitors to our home over the last couple of weeks has left me in a tailspin as to where we were at in training with both rally and agility.

We have now had a couple of rally classes since returning home and I'm still not happy with the blasted sniffing, although last night was better than it had been recently. Our club is cleaned late on every Monday night and I swear by Friday night's rally class a whole herd of Shelties had a major hair meltdown sometime during the week. There are puffs of hair all over the place that in Cash's mind must deserve his complete attention. Is he doing the canine version of DNA testing or what? Anyway, it was better but still not where it needs to be with the Nebraska Kennel Club show coming up next weekend. I'm going to take him to a rally fun match tomorrow morning at Gerianne Darnell's place and see how that goes as a warm-up for next weekend. We have the potential to finish his rally advanced title at NKC, but unless the sniffing takes a hike, I'm not confident of that.

There was no agility on July 4th and the week break from formal training allowed us to work on some weave training at home. In the testing portions of class his contacts were gorgeous and the weaves are coming along. When we ran a sequence however, he hit the contacts, but failed to hold a 2O/2O. He appeared to be having several "blonde moments" attack him all at once. Hmmmm.

If the timing is right tomorrow, I may run him in on a novice agility course after the rally just to see how he does in a strange environment.

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