Thursday, July 19, 2007

Success! (sort of)

Cash's last agility class for Obstacles was last night. We didn't pass into the Handlers class which would be the next step up because he still finds other things more interesting than me (plus the fact that he still has teeter *issues*) And he flew through 6 weaves absolutely flawlessly, both ways, numerous times.



He won the last games sequence and a big jar of Three Dog Bakery treats (and a Cadbury candy bar for me) with the highest score and cleanest run. Let me describe the scene...

There were two bar jumps, a tunnel, a tire jump and a broad jump placed around the perimeter of the room. In the center was a table. The table was the bonus. We were each given a minute and a half to correctly complete an obstacle which the handler chose, race to the table, perform a down without a cue, release and treat the dog and repeat as many times as we could in the allotted time. Ten points were awarded for each correct bonus. Five points were deducted if a cue to down was given. Ten seconds was allotted to achieve the down. If not, release and repeat the table until it was correct, wasting precious time.

His score was 80 with no faults. And his handler needed oxygen at the end of it.


Avalon said...

Yikes!!! I am verrrrry impressed.....mostly with the Cadbury Bar as a prize.

Just kidding. Great on you and Cash! He must be very fast and accurate.

Julie said...

Yeah, we gave the Cadbury bar to the DH. It only seemed fair since I think Cash may blow Daddy's entry fee at least one day this weekend. I really wasn't that bummed about not moving to the next class. I'd rather have a REALLY firm foundation before learning new stuff. Anyway we're concentrating on rally right now and that has helped TREMENDOUSLY with his start line stay and other aspects of agility.