Saturday, January 24, 2009

NADAC trial this weekend

Once again I lost my mind and entered all 12 classes available at the Companion Dog Club's two day trial with the very personable Matt McCarter as our judge.

January in Nebraska can be EXTREMELY COLD! The high temperature today was 15 degrees. Our trial is being held at a nearby horse stable with a huge indoor (unheated, but insulated) arena. The attached crating area has three propane heaters running, so it is chilly but livable.

The 6 or 8 barn cats have discovered that agility dogs get treats after they run and one little grey one in particular decided my crate area was a great place to hang out. We would return from a run and little grey guy would be sitting in my chair. Cash jumped into the chair and gave him a hip check to move him over and they shared some leftover filet mignon.

We went 3 for 6 today totally due to handler error. Cash read my body language perfectly, unfortunately it was directing him to the wrong obstacle in a discrimination. One little bobble toward the end of otherwise beautiful runs ended them in NQs.

We got our first Chances Q on a course with two tunnels side-by-side and of course the correct one was the far one. We got it with me teetered just inside the line, directing "Out. Tunnel." Bless his little heart, he zoomed into the right one! One of the BC handlers in Open had a fabulous run going when she directed "Out. Tunnel." and he took the tunnel 20 feet into the next ring. Well, she did say, "Out. Tunnel." and that was the furthest tunnel out.

We Q'ed in Jumpers and are now one Q from his Novice Outstanding Jumpers title. Crossed fingers for tomorrow.

We also Q'ed in Tunnelers and gained Cash's Novice Tunnelers title.

Six more runs tomorrow in frigid weather with 3-4" of snow predicted tonight. Oh joy!

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