Sunday, September 16, 2007


Please welcome Impulse Inside Straight.

Yup, Betty is here! After much dithering on our part, Betty joined our family yesterday. We owe huge thanks to Belinda and Alex Miller for entrusting her to us.

My goal has always been to put titles on both ends of a dog's name. I have owner handled several dogs to their championships in my lifetime and put a performance title on another, but never on the same dog.

My plan is to work with Betty in rally and agility foundation while she is growing coat. So far Keegan and Cash have been okay with her. Keegan gets along with pretty much any dog. Cash's nose has been a little out of joint but he met his match for pure speed when the poodle zoomies started this morning and Betty joyously joined in. That seemed to solidify her place in our little pack. We've only had one small skirmish when Cash approached Betty while she was busy with a bone. She left no doubt WHO the bone belonged to and Cash backed off.

The only down side (not really) is I now have TWO velcro poodles. I put a few photos on Flickr for those who would like to see them.


Avalon said...

WELCOME BETTY!! You are going to have a ball with her! I can't wait until she starts racking up both the pints and the titles!

Julie said...

I know you met points (not pints), but I had to say something in case Belinda reads this and thinks I'm going to introduce Betty to Budweiser! LOL

Avalon said...

Ummmmm Julie~~~ No Budweiser for Betty. Only a true dark ale will do!